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Mouse scroll map
Mouse Left Button Click select something; click a button
Mouse Right Button Click assign an action or task to selected item
Mouse Wheel zoom
Mouse (while holding Mouse Wheel Button) scroll map
Mouse Left Button Click (Hold and Drag) select multiple units
Mouse Left Button Double-Click select all units of the same type on screen
Ctrl + Mouse Left Button Click select multiple units individually


Up Arrow Key scroll up
Down Arrow Key scroll down
Left Arrow Key scroll left
Right Arrow Key scroll right
Right Bracket Key zoom in
Left Bracket Key zoom out
Period Key follow unit
F2 Key toggle through perspective zoom modes
F5 Key toggle through 3 show hidden units modes
F9 Key take a screen shot with UI
Shift + F9 Key take a screen shot without UI
Ctrl + F9 Key take a low resolution screen shot of entire map
Alt + F9 Key take a high resolution screen shot of entire map
Space Key move to location of last player event (keep pressing to review the queue of recent events)


Tab Key idle citizen
Comma Key idle military unit
A Key idle atomic bomber
B Key idle bomber
D Key idle fighter/bomber
F Key idle fighter
Ctrl + 1-9 Key create group #
Shift + 1-9 Key add selection to group #
Alt + 1-9 Key select and center group #
1-9 Key select group #
1-9 Key (twice) select and center group #
H Key select and center town center
Ctrl + A Key select and center archery range
Ctrl + B Key select and center barracks
Ctrl + C Key select and center siege factory
Ctrl + D Key select and center dock
Ctrl + F Key select and center tank factory
Ctrl + G Key select and center granary
Ctrl + I Key select and center missile base (campaigns only)
Ctrl + N Key select and center settlement
Ctrl + Q Key select and center airport
Ctrl + R Key select and center cyber factory
Ctrl + S Key select and center stable
Ctrl + V Key select and center naval yard
Ctrl + X Key select and center cyber lab
Ctrl + Y Key select and center temple

Numpad + Key increase game speed
Numpad - Key decrease game speed
Esc Key cancels current input or action mode; exits cinematics in scenarios
Enter Key chat
F1 Key return to scenario editor (when in test mode)
F3 Key pause
F4 Key quick save
Shift + F4 Key quick load
Ctrl + F4 Key auto save load
F10 Key in-game options
F11 Key toggle display of game clock; speed and frame rate
Alt + F enter flare mode
page up display previous messages
Ctrl + Shift + Z all out "banzai" computer player attack - allied computer players will assist you (single player only)
Ctrl + Alt + Z all out "banzai" computer player attack - allied computer players will not assist you (single player only)


Shift Key show goal queue; add goal to queue (with other key)
B Key unit behaviors
G Key garrison; populate a building
L Key explore
M Key formations
P Key stop
D Key unload transport or fortress
Z Key patrol (land military units only)
Del Key kill first selected unit
Shift + Del Key kill all selected units
Alt + A Key aggressive
Alt + D Key defensive (stand ground)
Alt + G Key guard (guards a location)
Alt + S Key scout

A Key build archery range or AA gun
B Key build barracks
C Key build siege factory
D Key build dock
E Key build house
F Key build tank factory
J Key build granary/farms
N Key build settlement
O Key build fortress
Q Key build airport
R Key build cyber factory
S Key build stable
T Key build tower
U Key build university
V Key build naval yard
W Key build wall
X Key build cyber lab
Y Key build temple
Z Key build hospital

C Key convert

A Key plague
C Key hurricane
E Key earthquake
F Key firestorm
R Key malaria
V Key volcano

A Key anti-matter storm
R Key resonator
E Key teleport
T Key time warp
V Key nano-virus

C Key ion pulse
R Key repair
S Key diffraction shield
D Key self-destruct

C Key assimilate
D Key unload

C Key battle cry

I Key set rally point


C Key create citizen
E Key train strategist hero
R Key train warrior hero
B Key produce spotting balloon
D Key train canine scout
A Key research epoch advance
G Key research gold mining technologies
N Key research hunting/foraging technologies
S Key research iron mining technologies
T Key research stone mining technologies
U Key research wall and tower upgrades
W Key research wood cutting technologies

A Key train foot archers
C Key train chariot and cavalry archers
E Key train ranged spear throwers
F Key train elephant archer
X Key train crossbow man

A Key train ranged shock (gun) units and sampson
B Key train grenade launcher and bazooka
C Key train medics
D Key train elite guard
E Key train pierce (spear) units and flame thrower
F Key train hand cannoneer and mortars
G Key train machine gunner
N Key train barbarian
R Key train sharp-shooters and snipers
S Key train melee shock (sword) units and stinger soldier
T Key train partisan
V Key train viking
W Key train rock thrower

B Key build battleships
C Key build cruisers (anti-air)
D Key build frigates
F Key build fishing boats
G Key build galley/galleons
T Key build transports

C Key train shock (melee) cavalry
E Key train pierce (spear) cavalry
F Key train war elephant
G Key train gun cavalry
S Key train persian cavalry


A Key build anti-tank (AT) guns
B Key build artillery
C Key build siege weapons
E Key build field cannon
G Key build siege cannon
R Key build rams
S Key build field weapons (pre-gunpowder)
T Key build siege towers


C Key build aircraft carriers
G Key build sea kings (anti-sub)
S Key build attack submarines
T Key build nuclear-powered missile submarines

F Key build mobile AA units
S Key build armor-piercing (AP) tanks
T Key build high-explosive (HE) tanks
V Key set atomic bomber rally point
X Key set bomber / helicopter rally point
Z Key set fighter rally point
A Key build atomic bombers
B Key build bombers
C Key build anti-tank (AT) helicopters
E Key build gunship helicopters
F Key build fighter/bombers
G Key build sea kings (anti-sub)
R Key build transport helicopters
S Key build fighters
T Key build anti-tank (AT) airplanes

F Key build fighter/bombers

A Key build ares cybers
C Key build pandora cybers
R Key build hyperion cybers
T Key build minotaur cybers
Z Key build zeus cybers
A Key build apollo cyber
D Key build hades cyber
E Key build poseidon cyber
F Key build furies cyber
T Key build tempest cyber

E Key train priest
R Key train prophet
A Key research techs to increase temple ratings
B Key research techs to allow conversion of buildings
C Key research techs to allow conversion of priests
D Key research techs to increase prophet speed
F Key research techs to increase priest hit points
M Key research techs to increase priest recharge rate
N Key research techs to increase prophet range
P Key research techs to increase prophet hit points
S Key research techs to increase priest speed
T Key research techs to increase priest range
B Key research techs to increase building line of sight
F Key research techs to increase building hit points
R Key research techs to increase university range
S Key research techs to increase rate of repair at dock
T Key research techs to decrease cost of tributes

A Key research techs to increase citizen attack and hit points
C Key research techs to increase your pop cap
R Key research techs to increase hospital healing rate
S Key research techs to increase citizen speed

F Key research techs to increase farming rate
R Key replant farms


G Key make gate
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