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       Royal Champion Ranking System

 Founder/Leader -|F|M|

Founder | Co-Founders of Royal Champions - Rank|F| or |M|

Rank Tag - Founder|«~RC~»|F|, or |«~RC~»|M|

  • These are the owners of RC clan.
  • They can recruit or kick any member.
  • Can make or change the rules of RC clan.

Note: This is a permanent rank which cannot be achieved by any other member.

 Honorary Members -|H|

Honorary Members and Advisory of Royal Champions - Rank|H|
Rank Tag - Honoroary|«~RC~»|H|

  • They are chosen by Founders and Leaders only
  • These are the advisers of the Leaders and Founders.
  • They can also recruit players and ask Leaders to kick anyone who misbehaves or they want.

1. King of RC - |K|
Top rank
Highest skilled and a Pro player of all sets
Rank Tag - King|«~RC~»|K|
  • This is the toppest rank that can be achieved by a player with his skills.
  • They are Pro in every set.
  • These are also considered as the leaders of clan.

2.  Duke of RC - |D|

Pro in 3 or more sets
Rank Tag - Duke|«~RC~»|D|

  • Should be able to beat almost all players online, and in 1 on 1s.
  • Can also recruit new players to RC.
3. Baron - |B|

Pro in 2 or more sets
Rank Tag - Baron|«~RC~»|B|

  • Should be able to beat most players online.
  • Can also recruit new players to RC.

4.  General of RC - |G|

Expert in 2 or more sets, and good in others.

Rank Tag - General|«~RC~»|G|

  • They should be good in at least 2 sets.

5.  Commandos - |C|
  • New joiners and Good in at least 1 set

Rank Tag - Commando|«~RC~»|C|

  • They are new joiners and those who are good in 1 set.
  • If they do not improve, they can be kicked from RC by leaders or honorary.
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