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Royal Champions Premier League 2015

RC Team of the Year

Royal Champions Team Tournaments 2015 - Rules

Type: ' Knock Out  Team Tournament!s "


1st - Mid
2nd - Mod

3rd - Liga 

4th - p2n 
5th  - Nano

* Note - Draw time for each game is f11 -60

Tournament Rules:

  • All matches will be 2 vs 2 Knock Out matches. having schedule as shown. There will be Standard high Resources (for mid/mod), Tournament Game Variant, 1200 Population limit, Map Size Small and Map Type Plains or New Plains. 


  • Using Religion or Prophet is not allowed.


  • Bad Map: One can say about rematch in between F.11 2.00 for a bad map or Lag. After 2.00, there will not be any re-match.


  • There will be pause for 30 seconds for Game strategy and Civilization selections.


  • NOTE: If any of the team is not able to reach in the scheduled time and day, then  the present team will be declared winner, other team will be disqualified.


  • For More information on Match Schedules and GMT+ Time Zone Setting login to: www.TheRoyalchampions.in


  • Any match that lasts longer than F11 - 60 will be considered to be a Draw or Tie and winner will be selected based on  match  statistics as decided by two judges(Founder of Clans).


  • In the case that a player crashes or lags out, he will lose the game. However, if both  team agree then the game can be resumed from a save and continued normally or by a re-mach.


  • Final decision on Matches will be decided by organizers and judges, who will be observing the game.


  • No match can be played without the observer judges. These include, Gourav, Yuvraaj, Neen. Their decision will be final. They can will give any decisions in the ongoing match or even disqualify someone.


  • All matches will be Schedule on weekends(Saturday and Sunday, G.M.T after 9 PM).


  • All  Team has to submit their team names with player names chosen by themselves and signup for same in this tournament.


  • All Team Has to Submit their Mobile numbers with Watsup already installed in their phones to communicate before  team matches.


  • All Team members are necessary to join RC Team-speak servers for better understanding and game-play.


  • All team Has  to Sign-in in Tournament before 2 days to show their presence for upcoming matches.


Team Captains Please sign-up your Team Names before 20th of Novembers 2015



The winner  Team will be  Given as Medal of Honor in RC website in Homepage awarded with Medals for Respective year for Respective sets.

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