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Royal Champions Level 1 Members Ranking
 Rank : 4 [C]| Level 1: Commandos | Division: RC  |

Member Name Rank Account Number Real name     Country Divison
PARIOUS|«~RC~»|C| [ Commando ] 2965650 Adnan Pakistan Inactive
Geo|«~RC~»|C| [ Commando ] 5089705 George Romania Inactive
Defutah™|«~RC~»|C| [ Commando ] 1067542     Inactive

Note: If you are an RC member but do not have your name on the RC members list, then you are not officially RC.  You must register in website and contact leaders and founders to put your name in members list.
Register with your same email which you use to log in with your ID in GameRanger)

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Offline or Kicked Members


Members offline for more than 2 Months, or not using RC tag for long can be kicked at any moment from the clan. Here are the list of those members. (To get back in RC members list, contact leaders)


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